In the bachelor's program, our students acquire fundamentals in - primarily - digital representation techniques, as well as in designing, composing and proportioning architecture.
Digital planning and design (A)

In the first semester of the bachelor's program, our students learn basic analog drawing techniques. By means of comparatively simple axonometric drawings and shadow constructions, the understanding of geometric dependencies in the two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional objects is trained. Design questions, for example about the proportioning of simple building structures, are also posed.
Digital planning and design (B)

With the second semester, the techniques learned in the first semester are continued digitally. The students acquire a basic understanding of digital spatial modeling through the three-dimensional reconstruction of relevant buildings. Based on these reconstructions, students design their own three-dimensional objects in composition exercises, which are then represented in drawings, with simple computer visualizations and using models.
Special chapter of the planning methodology (visualizations)

In the elective "Special Chapter of Planning Methodology", our students deepen their knowledge of computer-aided visualizations. In addition to learning appropriate software, the focus is primarily on an improved understanding of image composition, atmospheres and the power of narrative of image media in architecture. The seminar is taught by M.Sc. Hajdin Dragusha.