In the master's program, we deepen our students' competencies in representational techniques and experimental design. In doing so, we investigate the possibilities of advanced digital techniques - always - in relation to disciplinary issues.
Drafts (E5)

In the drafts (E5) the core competence of architects, namely the design, organization and materialization of buildings is trained.
Seminar & Studio Experimental Design (S-EE)

The Experimental Design Studio is taught in conjunction with a seminar and serves to reflect higher-level research interests in our field into teaching.
Seminar Computational Design (CD)

The seminar Computational Design focuses on the creative use of digital design, construction and manufacturing processes.
Integral deepening (IV)

The Integral Deepening (IV) serves the further elaboration of a topic already developed, if possible, within the framework of the "Studio Experimental Design".
Master's degree design and deepening

Master's degree design and depth summarize the interests developed in the master's program in an integrated design. >>>